Goose - 1970 Mattel 20" Mute. Head solid plastic, body cloth, body
slightly soiled. She sits with legs dangling. Cute for those who
collect the Mattel talkies. SOLD
Wuzzle. 1984 Hasbro. 11".
Excellent. $4

Robin Williams as Mork. Mattel
1970. 16" All cloth. Mute. $7
Levis Denim Rag Doll. 16". Knickerbocker.
Excellent. Sold
Disney Minnie Mouse from Knickerbocker
(tagged). She looks old from the type of material they used but there is
no date on the tag. Plastic eyes. She really is a nice toy for
those who collect the Disney toys. SOLD
Disney Goofy from Mickeys Christmas Carol (tagged). 10 but sitting down.
Disney Donald Duck from Mickeys Christmas Carol (tagged) 10 but sitting down.

Henson Muppets Baby Kermit 6 but sitting down. Tagged 1987
Henson Associates. Cuddly SOLD
Henson Muppets Fozzie Bear 8. Tagged 1987 Henson Associates. Cute!
Miss Piggy. Fisher Price. 12 Cloth body, vinyl head. In original
purple evening dress with headband. Very good SOLD
Henson Muppets Miss Piggy Baby 10. Tagged 1987 Henson Associates.
She is very cute and only SOLD
Bunny 1973 Mattel 10 Talks. Soiled and no tail. But WORKS!
Bugs Bunny 1973 Mattel 10 Talks. Soiled and no green plastic tie.
Bert from Sesame Street. 10. Knickerbocker tag on outfit. Played
with. SOLD
Ernie from Sesame Street. 9. Knickerbocker tag on outfit. Played
with. SOLD
United Feature Syndicate 1952. Lucy from Peanuts. Redressed but does have on
her original underwear. Legs and arms are jointed. Cute doll from the Peanuts
series. $10
Storybook doll. Little Red Riding Hood. Three flaps tells story. Very good
condition. Has a hanging tag at the top of the head. All cloth.
11 Storybook doll. Cinderella. Tagged 1979 Dan Dee
Imports Made in Taiwan. Three flaps tells a story. Very good
condition. The back is the same flannel material but in pink.
Storybook doll. Cinderella. Four flaps tells story. This version is
a little bit older with older pictures. Very good condition. All cloth but
the back is like a flannel material.
(Same dolls -
Another flip of the flap)
Tissue Doll. 16 Still has her original hairnet on. Excellent and
very cute! SOLD
17 Cloth little girl doll. Dressed in cute pink patterns. Tagged Commonwealth
Toy Co 1994. Embroidered face, yarn hair. Excellent. $4
Cloth Madame doll. Dressed in black print with cute painted face. Not tagged.
Excellent. $4
22 Cloth little girl doll. Tagged JRL toys. Posies and Petticoats Love at
First Hug! Face is painted and hair is twisted yarn. Very good. $6
21 1/2" cloth doll. This looks
like one of those panels that you sew. Her dress is removable. Very
cute doll and a great addition to any collection. $5
12 doll. Little Red Riding Hood on one end, Grandma and Wolf on the other
end. They may be missing glued on noses because there are glue marks, but
there is a dot for a nose so it is not noticeable. Marked R. Dakin
1984. A cute doll for those who collect these kind of dolls. SOLD

The other side of the
Topsy-Turvy doll.
Topsy-Turnvy 10 Daytime / Nighttime doll. In original package. Tag marked
Asleep doll is dressed in white with yellow print.
Doll is in
original packaging and priced at $6.
Awake doll is dressed in blue print.
Stuffed weighted (so she stands) doll
from "The Toy Works". About 14" tall and 6" wide. Holding a sign "Snap Out
of It". Meant to give to someone because on the back she has an area to
fill in for To: and From: Excellent condition.
Superman 18". Marked Mego 1974.
Really nice shape. A nice addition to your collection if you collect
Superman memorabilia. And priced to sell Sold
Marked Knickerbocker.
7" Cute little doll with blond pigtails. She is a bean bag doll that sits.
Marked Knickerbocker. 7" Cute. Same
as above but in red instead of blue and a little played with. SOLD

Avon bunnies. (have set of 2). 6".
One is never opened from package. The other has been played with, slightly
dirty. You can get both for $4. A great idea for Easter baskets.
Two cuties 10" tall. One is market
"Peanut Butter", the other "Candy". If you collect cloth dolls, these are
ones for your collection. $1 for both
Avon Flower dolls 10" Excellent.
One is cute with her brown curls and yellow flower dress. The other has
that bright red hair and green eyes. $1 each

Avon Chef doll with rolly polly body (no
legs) She reminds me of a pincushion doll but not actually sure what she
is for. I have one in her original packing for $3 and one slightly soiled
for $1
- Special Love Sachet. NRFB. Little Girl. This a delicately scented sachet
that you put in a closet or drawer to smell good. Box is market 1985.
Does still have a smell to it. $2

Avon - Special Love Sachet. NRFB Little
Boy. Same as above. $2 Have 2

Avon - Carmicael Plus Toy. Cut
Kitty toy. Mint in the box. Box is dated 1985. $3
Knickerbocker Holly Hobbie 9". She
does have a label, but I can't seem to find a date. In very nice condition and a steel for
those Holly Hobbie collectors for only SOLD
Imitation Holly Hobbie 6". No label. Eyes
look to the side. Only $1
Knickerbocker Holly Hobbie 4 1/2 ".
Hard plastic doll with a soft plastic head. She looks like a dollhouse
doll. She is labeled and a very cute doll to add to your collection for
Hawaiian Girl doll. 9". No
markings. Very cute. I believe she is filled with sawdust because
her body feels very stiff. SOLD
Raggedy Ann 6". No markings.
She looks fairly old. No dress, only her body stitched from patterned
material. With a little work, she would make a fine doll to your Raggedy
collection. $3